Google Shopping Actions

Are you looking for ways to connect with more active consumers? Stay on the front lines of evolving shopping technology? Provide a more seamless buyer’s journey?   

Of course you are. That’s why Google Shopping Actions might be your next best move.

Shopping Actions allows shoppers to browse and buy goods directly from your store or warehouse as they weave their way through the entire Google ecosystem — from to Google Shopping to the Google Assistant and beyond. By combining marketplace shopping and voice-activated devices with the world’s most popular search engine, it gives your products more visibility and your customers a better buying experience. 

Shopping Actions represents the future of Google-based shopping, and retailers and brands can no longer afford to watch this major evolution from the sidelines. 

But you no doubt still have questions: How does Shopping Actions differ from Google Shopping? Are there restrictions on the retailers who can participate in Shopping Actions? How do you sign up?

Learn more by scheduling a call with ChannelAdvisor E-Commerce Consultant today. Complete this quick form, and we'll be in touch.